Crazy people buy strollers just to take them apart

Monday, July 15, 2013

The past few days we lamented about how poor we are and talked of selling our big tandem kayak...then we bought a jogging stroller. I know. We are bad money managers. The deal was so good, I couldn't let us pass it up! The freedom to run whenever! In the cool mornings instead of the hot afternoons and evenings when Nate is home.

We saw the last floor model on sale at Costco. (Via Velo brand. Not that I recommend it, because I don't.) Marked down from $200 to $130. I strapped Bridger in and ran around a bit. Not a bad stroller.  It was missing the bike attachment and had some tears. My wheeling and dealing husband talked them down to $75! Nate managed to fit it in the trunk and we took it home.

This is where the fun begins. We love a good project, but this was a doozy. It had several holes in the fabric.  We took it apart to repair the holes. Once again, Bernice amazed us both and performed excellently. With a little creativity and elbow grease, the holes were repaired. The construction on this thing was stereotypical cheap Chinese made goods. So we reinforced the heck out of the rest of the weight bearing seams. With a little sweat and exasperation, it was put back together.

And all in the name of thrift and living fit! Sigh.

Anyhow, we took it out on Saturday and this morning and it rides so smooth. (My legs are going to need some time to adjust though!) Hope Bridger enjoys it as much as I do. He seems to! Here's to lots of breezy runs! (And here's to hoping it doesn't fall apart...)


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