Dear Utah

Friday, May 4, 2012

Dear Utah, 
Green means go. You are giving me road-rage.

Dear mo-peds, 
If you can't accelerate past 30 mph, stay off the road please. Or at least my commute route. 

Dear Cafe Rio, 
Thanks for the free dinner. I love you. With all my heart. And no, my name is not Lazy, but your burritos are so good, you are forgiven.

Dear belly, 
You are too big for any of my clothes. 

Dear clothes, 
I am sorry I have stretched you so much in the past few weeks. Thanks for understanding.

Dear feet, 
Please stop swelling! I promise to take better care of you, even if it means wearing my tennis shoes to work!

Dear preschoolers, 
Thanks for making me laugh and helping me learn more about kids. And fall asleep at 9pm every night.



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