Waivers and sleep

Thursday, September 8, 2011

School supplies as art! Snazzy!

So here's a little update on our first two weeks of this semester:

1. Nate totally spaced another class he is supposed to have for graduation. Turns out the missing class actually does not exist anymore. We were expecting the worst, "Sorry, you will have to take Geochemistry to replace this class" or something along those lines. But we got the best, "Don't  worry, we'll just waive that credit for you." Thanks BYU for letting us move on with life after December and not making us come back for another semester!

2. I'm enjoying my classes! After a lecture today, I realized that even though I have always been against daycare, it can be positive if you have high quality daycare. (But you should always take into account your child's temperament). Also, I've been trying to figure out how I can incorporate the term "intergenerational extrafamilial context" into conversation. No luck so far :)

3. I slept for 6 hours last night (compared to my usual 8) and it was great! I felt rested and I haven't been tired at all. I hope to make this a habit.


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