Pick your Artist:
The Beatles
Are you a male or female?
Another Girl
Describe yourself:
Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds
How do you feel:
We Can Work It Out
Describe where you currently live:
Here, There and Everywhere
If you could go anywhere, where would you go:
Strawberry Fields Forever
Your favorite form of transportation:
Drive My Car
Your best friend is:
Her Majesty
You and your best friends are:
Back in the USSR
What's the weather like:
Here Comes the Sun
Favorite time of day:
Golden Slumbers
If your life was a TV show, it would be called:
Helter Skelter
What is life to you:
Getting Better
Your last relationship:
I’m Happy Just to Dance with You
Your fear:
Maxwell’s Silver Hammer
What is the best advice you have to give:
Let It Be
Thought for the Day:
Come Together
Future Career:Paperback Writer
How I would like to die:
I’m Only Sleeping
My soul's present condition:
Fixing a Hole
Most Faithful Companion:
The Word
My motto:
All You Need is Love
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