Bits of happiness

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Source: via Lacey on Pinterest

Did you know that I love lists? I make lists of groceries, dreams, goals, baby names, rules/advice, movies and books I want to watch/read/collect, wish lists and ideas for photography. All the time. I even have a little notebook that is known by me as the "list book." So it would only be natural that I start some lists on this here blog. Inspired by Naomi of Rockstar Diaries, I'm gonna start a weekly list of little things that bring me happiness. Enjoy!

1. Eating fresh tomatoes on bread with mozzarella cheese. Yum!
2. Making plans for a new hike.
3. Coming home to a clean house. Thanks babe!
4. Falling leaves landing in my lap. Welcome fall!
5. Getting up early and being productive, even if that just means eating a real breakfast. 

What makes you happy?


  1. This is adorable!

    Late nights watching movies and eating kettle corn with my hubby.
    The charm of Christmas in my hometown
    Waking up without an alarm;)
    My family

    All of these things make me so happy!

  2. I make lists all the time too-- of everything! xo


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