Brian Kershisnik's Nativity |
I loved seeing this painting too (I think it's part of their permanent collection). It's larger than life, literally. And I love that it gives a realistic portrait of Mary nursing, with midwives looking on (as I believe it is unlikely in a city as large as Bethlehem that she did it all alone) and Joseph's prayer of gratitude. I find it interesting to think about all the unmentioned people that must have been involved: family and friends that Mary & Joseph traveled with, the innkeeper, midwives etc etc. And that contrasted with what we can't see, the numberless angels singing praises to our newborn Lord. I would love to have this in our house. I haven't been able to find prints of this. Only reproductions for $1400+ soooo.....
We walked around a bit reminiscing with a mint brownie and old-fashioned donut. I made Nate drive all over campus so I could see the new buildings. Bridger enjoyed chasing the ducks! And while I am really jealous students now have a Chik-fil-a in the Cougareat, Nate and I agreed it's probably for the best it came after I graduated. I would have weighed 200 pounds.
While in the Cougareat, I had some awkward eye contact with an old flame from before I met Nate. I couldn't help smile as we walked past, because here I am with my hunky husband with our adorable toddler on his shoulders. Just a good moment once again realizing I am so very happy with this path I have chosen.
Also, I am so excited to take Bridger to the renovated Bean Life Museum this spring! It's gonna look amazing! I took some paparazzi photos as we drove by.

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